Vivyana Pic

I'm on a mission to help spiritually awakened souls connect with dragon wisdom to empower their spiritual evolution.

Scroll down to learn more about my NEW Dragon Wisdom book, Dragon Connection Coaching AND Dragon Guidance Readings! 💚🐉


I invite you to embark on a transformational journey—discover what spiritual evolution truly means and why choosing this path leads to unparalleled growth and enlightenment.

Meet the Dragon Crystal Guardians, each a unique keeper of wisdom and energy. Discover the Great Dragon Awakening—a global spiritual movement uniting humans and dragons to co-create personal and planetary healing at this pivotal time in humanity’s evolution.

Vi holding her ebook copy of

Dragon Wisdom Reviews...

Cosmic Dragon by Enchanted Ai Ink Studio

Dragon Connection Coaching Details:

WHAT: Personalized 1:1 coaching to help you connect and communicate with YOUR Dragon Spirit Guides

WHERE: Held through Zoom

HOW LONG: ~1 Hour

INCLUDES: Private video recording access as well as a detailed follow-up email with all the skills, tools, and techniques discussed


Amethyst Dragon by Enchanted Ai Ink Studio

Dragon Connection Coaching Testimonials...

Blue Dragon by Enchanted Ai Ink Studio

Dragon Guidance Reading Details:

WHAT: Personal guidance and wisdom from a minimum of 6 dragons from the Dragon Crystal Guardian Collective

WHERE: Held through Zoom

HOW LONG: ~1 Hour

INCLUDES: Private video recording access as well as a downloadable PDF of your card spread with your dragons' names, crystals, and messages


Purple Dragon by Enchanted Ai Ink Studio

Dragon Guidance Reading Testimonials...

Green and Blue Dragon by Enchanted Ink Ai Studio

Let's connect!

I'd love to hear from you!
Please feel free to follow me on Facebook or send me an email. 💜🙏

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